It Might Be Surprising To Learn That The Most Common Oral Health Problem Worldwide Isn’t Tooth Decay, But Periodontal (Gum) Disease. Inadequate Oral Hygiene Can Lead To A Buildup Of Plaque And Tartar In The Mouth, Which Can Lead To Gum Bleeding, Swelling, And Inflammation. Without Treatment, It Could Even Cause Permanent Gum Recession And Tooth Loss! At Outlook Dental, Dr. N. Patel Can Help You Prevent Gum Disease From Reaching That Point With Both In-Office And At-Home Treatments. Call Us Today To Learn More About Protecting The Foundation Of Your Smile With Periodontal Disease Treatment In McKinney, TX!
If a patient has gum disease that is too advanced to be reversed with increased oral hygiene, then our first course of treatment is usually a two-step procedure called scaling and root planing. After removing any deposits of plaque and tartar on the gums and teeth, we carefully smooth the roots of the teeth, which have been roughened by the accumulation of bacteria. Because bacteria have difficulty gathering on smooth surfaces, your chances of reinfection drop significantly.
With the PerioProtect® system, you can combat gum disease in the comfort of your own home. These customized trays fit over your teeth like mouthguards. Simply fill the trays with a special medicated gel and wear them for 10 to 15 minutes a few times per day. The trays press the medicine against your gums, ensuring it travels into the pockets in the tissue and curbs the infection.
To eliminate bacteria in the tiny, hard-to-reach pockets between your gums and teeth, we may apply a topical antibiotic to your gums. This antibiotic, called Arestin, immediately begins working to eliminate any lingering harmful bacteria in your gums, but it also continues to spread throughout the tissue over several days or weeks. We may also irrigate the gum pockets with another antibacterial solution, such as betadine or chlorhexidine.
Don't ignore bleeding, swollen or receding gums. Call (945) 224-0070 or request an appointment online to have our caring McKinney dentist Dr. Patel assess and treat gum disease to save your smile.
I got 4 fillings, a root canal, a cleaning, and a crown put on with Dr. Patel, him and his team did an amazing job fixing the problems I had with my teeth with little to no pain at all! They were very understanding and comforting, always making sure I felt comfortable and was painless. Recovery from the root canal was as 99% pain free other than slight initial soreness, but Dr Patel got me medicine the same day and made sure I was all taken care of. 10/10 recommend!!!