A Raging Toothache, An Injury To The Mouth, Or Any Other Dental Emergency Requires Professional Attention Immediately. If You Were To Visit The Emergency Room, You Might Waste Valuable Time Waiting Only To Be Prescribed Painkillers Instead Of Addressing The Root Of The Problem. To Stop Your Dental Pain Right Away And Prevent It From Returning, Contact Outlook Dental Instead. We’ll Get You Seen By Dr. N. Patel Quickly, Often That Same Day, For Expert Emergency Dentistry In McKinney, TX.
It may be difficult not to panic in a dental emergency, but please try to remain calm and call our dental office as soon as you can. Our team will take it from there! Here’s how we’ll treat your emergency:
Dr. N. Patel has experience treating all kinds of dental emergencies, from those caused by sudden trauma to long-term oral neglect. Whatever the case may be, you should get in touch with our team so that you can promptly receive the care you need. In the meantime, you can read these tips for handling some of the most common dental emergencies.
Loose Tooth
Lost Filling or Crown
Broken Denture
Knocked-Out Tooth
Chipped Tooth
Cracked Tooth
Sensitivity to Hot & Cold
Jaw Pain or Clenching
Gums, Lips or Tongue Injury
Something Stuck Between Teeth
When you’re dealing with a dental emergency, the last thing you should be worried about is how much your treatment will cost. Our team can discuss that once we’ve addressed the immediate issue. Each patient’s emergency dental care will have a different price based on the specific procedures necessary. Before beginning any treatment, we’ll thoroughly review your financing information and file your insurance claims to ensure you’re getting the most of your benefits.
Don't wait with a dental emergency! Call Outlook Dental at (945) 224-0070 now or request an urgent appointment online to have our McKinney dentist Dr. Patel relieve your pain promptly.
I got 4 fillings, a root canal, a cleaning, and a crown put on with Dr. Patel, him and his team did an amazing job fixing the problems I had with my teeth with little to no pain at all! They were very understanding and comforting, always making sure I felt comfortable and was painless. Recovery from the root canal was as 99% pain free other than slight initial soreness, but Dr Patel got me medicine the same day and made sure I was all taken care of. 10/10 recommend!!!